The fire within
The comfort in your skin

A Celebration of Sexuality

The human form has been an artistic subject throughout the ages. We are a species with a great fascination with and admiration for ourselves. 

Depictions of sexuality have been found in images going back thousands of years. Most of these have been designed by their creator to arouse and give sexual pleasure to the viewer.

In contrast, the purpose of my work is for the subjects to have the opportunity to represent themselves sexually with pride, entirely in the manner they have chosen. They have decided what to wear, or not wear, what props they might use, whether they will be alone or with a partner, and what they will be doing in the photograph.

My interest in creating erotica has been to express what my subjects find arousing in a way that empowers them. THAT is sexy — and devoid of the two main drawbacks of porn: negatively impacting the viewer’s behaviours and expectations in real life, and the oppression of women within the industry (although there are exceptions).

It was important to my work in the 90s to have it be a forum where my models could discuss their experiences. I regret that I haven’t kept the writing from each of them, but comments regarding why they chose to model and what it was like being photographed in this context can be viewed on this page. I have also written about my role in the anti-censorship fight of the 1990s.

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